2018 Curriculum

The following program information is for students who were admitted during or after 2018 academic year.

General Program Information

The Master of Science in Engineering Management, MEM, program is appropriate for a wide range of engineers, scientists, and business and technical individuals, who have previously earned a four-year degree in engineering, technology, or sciences. Students with a four-year business degree can be conditionally admitted to the program with additional undergrad engineering/science credit hours as pre-requirement that should be completed within one year of enrolment in the program. The MEM program meets the needs of engineers, business and technical professionals who are seeking an advanced degree that will prepare them for a natural progression into management-level positions. The MEM program enables students to achieve a new balance from object-focused engineers to people-focused managers, from solving well-structured to unstructured problems, from managing single aspects to multi-aspect issues, and from perfectionism to outcome satisfaction. Using a balanced approach to quantitative and qualitative concepts, the MEM program, at Eastern Michigan University (EMU), is designed to meet the needs of engineers and technical professionals, to learn the management skill set needed to manage engineering projects and human resource. The MEM Program concentrates on engineering and technical project management from a managerial perspective, engineering process management, planning design and manufacturing, engineering resource management and systems, and enterprise integration. The program also provides an opportunity to acquire leadership skills in quality and lean enterprise systems. Knowledge in these areas helps engineers and technical specialists to do their current jobs more effectively while earning a graduate degree that is often necessary for promotion to management level positions. Our MEM program is available entirely online, as well as on the EMU campus in traditional classroom settings. By offering the fully online program, our MEM program caters to the needs of professionals who are busy with both their careers and personal life and may be unable to schedule the time to attend classes on campus - military personnel also have appreciated the availability of all online classes from outside the country. The traditional classroom setting accommodates the requirements of international students, professionals who work close to EMU and students who prefer a face to face class setting. In addition to earning an advanced degree in Engineering Management, many of our MEM students attain professional certification in one or more specialty areas of Engineering Management. Our MEM program is a 36-credit-hour program and requires only coursework.

Application Process

Full Admission

Applicants must:
Meet the degree admission requirements of the Graduate School;
Earned an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.7. (Applicants with below a 2.7 - See Conditional Admission info below)
Have a technical- or industrial-related undergraduate degree (i.e., science, engineering, technology, or business);

Submit a Personal Statement;

In the case of international students, meet the University and program TOEFL requirements before being accepted into the program. See the Graduate School’s website for specific minimum TOEFL score requirements.
Demand for the program is very high.
Admission is competitive, with top applicants selected upon periodic review of the pool of applicants submitted to EMU.


Students with a Bachelor’s degree may enroll in a limited number of graduate courses as a graduate non-degree student prior to degree admission.

Conditional Admission

Conditional admission status may be granted in special cases, such as to students who are currently in the last year of their undergraduate program.
Conditional admission may also be granted to students who have graduated from a non-accredited institution, or who may have earned an undergraduate GPA of less than 2.7.
Such students may seek degree admission after completing nine hours of graduate level work, as specified by the department, with a 3.0 GPA.

Application Deadlines

Fall - International applicants (June 30) All other applicants (July 30)
Winter - International applicants (October 30) All other applicants (November 30)
Summer - International applicants (Not Accepted) All other applicants (March 30)

Online Education for Out-of-State Students

It is great that you are considering Eastern Michigan University for your online degree program. Before you apply, though, it is critical that you make sure you are eligible to enroll in a program based in Michigan. EMU is an approved State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Participant. That means EMU can enroll students into online programs who live in any SARA member state without seeking additional authorization from that particular state.
Check your eligibility to attend EMU: Is your state a SARA member? If yes, you are eligible to enroll in an EMU–Online program. If your state is not a SARA member, you may still be eligible to enroll at Eastern Michigan University.

Degree Requirements: 36 hours

Core EM Program Requirements: 18 hours

EM 505 - Managing Engineering and Technology 3 hrs
EM 509 - Engineering Project Management 3 hrs
EM 520 - Engineering Value and Economic Analysis 3 hrs
EM 531 - Engineering Management Analysis 3 hrs
EM 540 - Engineering Resource Management 3 hrs
EM 620 - Integrated Product and Process Design 3 hrs

Restricted Electives: 18 hours

Select nine credit hours from the following
EM 511 - Manufacturing Engineering Fundamentals 3 hrs
EM 519 - Applied Engineering Project Management 3 hrsv\
EM 556 - Lean Systems Team Management 3 hrs
EM 580 - Engineering and Enterprise Integration 3 hrs
EM 581 - Engineering and Business Process Management 3 hrs
EM 590 - Special Topics 1 hr
EM 591 - Special Topics 2 hrs
EM 592 - Special Topics 3 hrs
EM 597 - Independent Study 1 hr
EM 598 - Independent Study 2 hrs
EM 599 - Independent Study 3 hrs
EM 609 - Professional Project Management 3 hrs
EM 649 - Manufacturing Process Planning 3 hrs
EM 659 - Advanced Lean Systems 3 hrs
EM 670 - Design for Manufacture and Assembly 3 hrs
EM 679 - Special Topics 1 hr
EM 680 - Special Topics 2 hrs
EM 681 - Special Topics 3 hrs
EM 695 - Leadership and Ethics: Engineering Management Capstone 3 hrs

Select nine credit hours from above, not already taken or from the following
QUAL 546 - Total Quality Management 3 hrs
QUAL 547 - Problem Solving for Quality Improvement 3 hrs
QUAL 548 - Tools for Continuous Improvement 3 hrs
QUAL 551 - Design of Experiments 3 hrs
QUAL 553 - Geometric and Surface Texture Tolerancing 3 hrs
QUAL 556 - Human Aspects of Continuous Improvement 3 hrs
QUAL 557 - Measuring Customer Satisfaction 3 hrs
QUAL 559 - Cost of Quality 3 hrs
QUAL 647 - Research Methods 3 hrs
or COT 710 - Research Methods in Technology 3 hrs
SCM 611 - Supply Chain Management 3 hrs
SCM 614 - Information Technology for Supply Chain Management 3 hrs

Curruculum 2007-2017

The following program is for students who were admitted in the EM program during 2007-2017

General Program Information

We are glad to see your interest in our program. We offer flexible classes both on-campus and via online. Most of our students currently work in industry, prefer taking online classes, and have high standards and expectations of what we provide in our courses and program. Our EM program also functions as a primary area of specialization for students enrolled in the PhD in Technology program at EMU. Many of the PhD in Technology students are graduates of our EM Program, and many of our EM graduates have achieved great professional success in their careers.

Our program has five specialization tracks:
(1) R&D track--Thesis or Development Project options,
(2) Project/Program Management track,
(3) Design/Manufacturing track,
(4) Lean Enterprise Systems track, and
(5) Quality Certificate track.

If you would like to start our program in the upcoming Winter /Spring/ Fall semester, you will need to apply to the Graduate School for admittance into the Engineering Management program. Visit http://www.emich.edu/admissions/grad/index.php (copy and paste the url in browser) and apply online. Please make sure that your previous transcripts form other educational institutions should reach us to make admission decision. After you have been admitted, you will be given an EMU system email account and password, and then be able to register for classes. It is essential that you contact your academic adviser for a Plan of Work before you get register for any class. You will register for classes yourself, via EMU's online registration system. Register for classes as soon as possible, as they fill up fast.

The normal Fall and Winter semesters have a 15 week format, running Sept-Dec and Jan-Apr, respectively. Few of our Fall and Winter classes are accelerated 7.5 week courses that are offered during either the first or second half of the semester. During Fall and Winter semester classes are offered both online in few classes are offered in traditional face2face settings.

The normal Spring and Summer semesters have an accelerated 7.5 week format. As such, normal Spring classes run 7.5 weeks long (May-June), and Summer semester classes also runs 7.5 weeks long (Jul-Aug). We also offer some special Spring 15 week-long courses (May-August), as well. All of our Spring and Summer classes are completely online.

If you are interested in face-to-face classes, note that we offer classes scheduled back-to-back on campus in the evenings during the Fall and Winter semesters, with one starting at 5:30 PM and the next at 7:30 PM. Our face-to-face classes are online-enhanced (hybrid), such that they are supported by the same system used for our regular online classes. Most of our face-to-face classes are organized into four lecture sessions per month. Attendance is required every other week at these sessions. Most assignments for our face-to-face/hybrid classes are submitted via the online-enhanced system.

Application Process

You can learn about the admissions application process , and apply online, by going to EMU's ApplyOnline web site at:
The program code for our degree is EGMT.
Admission deadlines for each semester are given at: <"http://www.emich.edu/admissions/main/dates.php">

More information about international graduate admission requirements and materials required to be submitted with your application are listed on the International Admissions web site at:


You need to send in:

- All Official Undergraduate Transcripts and diploma (Degree certificate) in a sealed envelope and signed by Registrar

- Application fees

- EMU financial responsibility statement ("http://www.emich.edu/admissions/forms/FINR.pdf")

- Official ESL scores (TOEFL preferred)

Minimum ESL test scores are listed in the Graduate Student Catalog, at:

Students will be given ESL conditional admission if they are admitted to the University, but score below the minimum scores required below:

Graduate TOEFL (CBT) - 213
Graduate TOEFL (PBT) - 550
Graduate TOEFL (iBT) - 79
Graduate MELAB - 77
Graduate IELTS - 6.5

If an applicant's score is less than the requirement, they may be conditionally admitted into the program and will be required to take some pre-requisite ESL classes. When the student has successfully completed their required ESL courses, their admission status is changed from conditional to full admission.

Our institution code is 1201 for sending the TOEFL scores (http://www.gre.org/codelist.html). The scores should be sent through ETS to the EMU admissions office.

A GRE or GMAT test score, a personal statement, and letters of recommendation are NOT required for application to our program. However, you must have completed or be near completion of an appropriate BS degree and hold at least a 2.5 (of 4.0) GPA in order to gain admission into our Engineering Management program. Because of high program demand, competitive admissions criteria are in effect, so apply ASAP.

You can learn more about our EMUOnline course delivery system and see an online demonstration course at http://emuonline.edu/. Please note that out-of-state and international students without Michigan residency who take online classes pay the greatly reduced Michigan in-state tuition rate, which reduces their tuition by about 50%.


You can find a complete list of tuition and fees at: http://www.emich.edu/sbs/calc.php

In-state tuition is $431.95 per credit hour, and $851.45 per credit hour for out-of-state and international students. However, out-of-state and international students are charged in-state tuition ($431.95) for online classes. Some additional fees apply, as listed on the web site noted above. These fees may change.