EM Program Graduation Application Process:

1. Make sure:
(a) that you have worked with your advisor Dr. Ahmed to create a plan of study,
(b) have consulted with your advisor each semester regarding which classes to take and to keep your plan of study updated,
(c) that you and your advisor have the most currently updated version of your plan of study on file, and
(d) the courses that you have taken have been approved by your advisor.

2. At the beginning of your last semester, contact your advisor to make sure that your plan of study form is finalized and accurate. Both you and your advisor should sign and date it at that time. You must send it in along with your Graduation Application form (see #5 below)--you can not graduate without a finalized plan of study form on file, signed by your advisor. DO NOT do this before the start of your final semester, because sometimes things change (such as classes you signed up for don't fill, etc.), in which case the plan of study sent in will not be correct, which causes a cascade of clerical problems in the Records Office and Graduation Audit Office. It is better to wait to send in the final, signed plan of study form with your graduation application form after your final semester starts.

3. Look at the checklist for program completion, at:
Check list

4. Read through the Graduate Graduation Information page at:
Graduation Information

5. Download the Graduation Application Form from:
Application form

(a) Fill it out completely-- the degree name is Master of Science, the program is Engineering Management (EGMT).
(b) Send the form along with payment and a copy of your final signed plan of study form to the address shown on Graduation Application form.

6. There is no official differentiation between our EM online and on-campus/hybrid classes--the courses are listed the same way on the transcript, and the degree name on the transcript and diploma is the same for all EM graduates.

7. Here is some additional information given to me from the Graduate School:
(a) Graduation application fees must be paid for by check or money order, they do not accept credit cards for this transaction, submit payment with your graduation application form.
(b) All diplomas are mailed to the diploma mailing address listed with the Records and Registration office.
(c) Diplomas are NOT given out during commencement. For students graduating in summer term, diplomas will be mailed out around October 15th.

8. Please look here for Almuni information, as well as additional, important information about your diploma and academic transcripts:

EMU Commencement (Graduation Ceremony) Information:
For information about participating in the graduation commencement ceremony, see:
Graduation Ceremony